- Help to internalize and understand in a practical and profound way the implication and the changes that the new version of the GLOBALG.A.P. CFM standard (Compound Feed Manufacturing for animals: livestock and aquaculture) entails at a level of concepts and key points on the General Regulations and on the checklist, necessary to maintain or achieve the certification.
Addressed to:
– Professionals of the sector.
– Managers, Production managers and key staff of feed-mills.
– Quality Control Managers and key members of the quality team of the company.
– Responsibles for the implementation of the standard and consultants.
– Whoever can be interested in knowing the scope of the changes and its implications of the new version of the standard (farm-assurers, farmers, and fish-farmers users of this type of feed, university students, groups of interest, etc.).
Date: Thursday, April 27, 2023
Schedule: 16:00 – 21:00 h CET
Modality: Online – Teams Platform
Price: 200€ + VAT (payment with card)
Daniel González Ramos
Bachelor’s in marine sciences and Aquaculture
..Animal Feeding Operations Manager of ACERTA
..GLOBALG.A.P. CFM, Aquaculture and CoC lead auditor
Contents – Agenda:
PART 1. Summary of concepts an key points of the General Regulations and the certifiaction process.
PART 2. Revision of the key Control Points and Compliance Criteria, focussed on the main changes regarding the new version of the standard.
16:00 Course presentation. General Regulations and certification process.
17:30 Break
17:45 Review of the most relevant Control Points. Changes regarding the new version.
19:15 Break
19:30 Review of the most relevant Control Points. Changes regarding the new version.
………………….Closing of the course
Attendance certificate:
After the completion of the course, the corresponding certificate of attendance will be sent by email to the attendees.