
The following entities operate under the name "ACERTA":

ACERTA CERTIFICACIÓN, S.L., with CIF: B97479935, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid: Volume 23.102; Book: 0; Page: 179; Section: 8; Sheet: M-414008.

ACERTA I MÁS D MÁS I, S.L., with Tax Identification Number: B86956463, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid: Volume 32,090; Book: 0; Page: 203; Section: 8; Sheet: M577534.

ACERTA RESOURCES AND DEVELOPMENT, S.L., with CIF: B56931058, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid: volume 46323, folio 140, entry 1 with page M-813592.

The three aforementioned companies have their registered offices at Avda. Osa Mayor 29 - 28023 Madrid, and share the same management team.

ACERTA CERTIFICATION SARL (AU) with ID 002419471000097 (Moroccan Trade Registry) domiciled at APPT No. 13 4eme ètage N36 Bloc G, Al Houda, Agadir, Morocco.

For the purposes of this declaration, they will be jointly referred to as ACERTA, or companies of the ACERTA Group, and all of the above is applicable to all of them.

Activities carried out by ACERTA

ACERTA is an organization in continuous evolution, which is characterized by carrying out only those activities for which it has sufficient and specialized resources. Therefore, the different services are provided through the following areas of specialization.

ACERTA's range of services is continuously increasing. For this reason we refer to our website: acerta-cert.comwhere they are listed and explained exhaustively.

2. Measures taken by ACERTA to ensure its integrity

ACERTA carries out all its activities under the premise of maximum integrity. The success of our business project depends on our clients, public administrations, standards developers and accreditation bodies having confidence in the reliability of our reports and certificates. And this is only possible if we demonstrate day by day that we scrupulously respect the principles of independence, impartiality, competence, objectivity and confidentiality that should govern the performance of conformity assessment bodies.

In order to ensure that the premise of maximum integrity is clear to the fullest extent and can be complied with by all members of our team, we have an CODE OF ETHICS AND CONDUCT that all employees and collaborators must know and comply with, and also commit to help monitor compliance, and to report any potential non-compliance they may detect.

ACERTA has appointed an Impartiality Committee that ensures that the entity acts with the integrity it is supposed to have. This is an external committee, independent of the hierarchical structure of the organization, in which representatives of the clients, of the promoters of the standards we evaluate, experts in conformity assessment, public administrations, etc. participate.

ACERTA obtains all its financial resources through its own activity, contributions from its partners and bank financing. As a general rule, in order to preserve our independence from the economic relationship that inevitably links us to our clients, we only deliver reports and certificates when we have received our fees. Exceptions to this rule are evaluated on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the General Management.

2.1 Protection of perceived integrity.

Among the values promoted by ACERTA is that conformity assessment bodies should not only act with the utmost integrity, but should also take steps to demonstrate that they do so. Therefore, corporate relationships and the provision of services that may tarnish a clear perception of the entity's impartiality should be avoided.

In coherence with these principles, we declare that:

1. ACERTA does not have any participation or shareholding relationship of any nature with organizations that may be:

ACERTA keeps ENAC and its Impartiality Committee continuously informed of the shareholder composition of the group's companies.

2. ACERTA does not perform activities qualified as consultancy in accordance with the current version of the ENAC document: NT-22 Consultancy and Independence of Conformity Assessment Bodies.

This restriction applies to both the standards we evaluate and those we do not evaluate. Each new activity is evaluated and is only initiated once it is determined that it does not incur in any of the unacceptable situations indicated in the document referred to above.

3. ACERTA does not provide conformity assessment services to consulting organizations when the relationship between the consulting organization and ACERTA represents an unacceptable threat to our impartiality.

The reality is that almost all organizations requesting an assessment have been advised by external consultants. In some cases, these consulting services are provided by commercially strong organizations with the capacity to condition the impartiality of the entity. We have therefore designed and implemented a system that allows us to keep this risk under control, and we apply general and specific preventive measures to prevent the probability of a conflict arising from exceeding a certain level of risk that we consider acceptable. This system and its results are reported both to ENAC and to its Fairness Committee.

2.2 Regarding the performance of the team members:

All persons working in and for ACERTA must declare any conflict of impartiality that affects or may affect them in relation to the activities they perform for ACERTA or on behalf of the entity. Therefore, all persons involved in the evaluation and decision-making processes must ensure, for each job assigned to them, that there is no circumstance that may involve a conflict of impartiality that could affect their objectivity in evaluating or issuing decisions.

ACERTA is aware of the integrity hazards that continuously threaten conformity assessment bodies, including inspection, certification, validation and verification of products, services and management systems, and therefore maintains a continuously updated impartiality analysis in which risks are identified and assessed, and appropriate measures are established to avoid or mitigate them.

To effectively manage the integrity of the organization, ACERTA's Integrity Program has been designed and implemented (PRINTA), which specifies the actions that ACERTA carries out to ensure that, in terms of integrity, all employees and collaborators:

3. Integrity roles and responsibilities

3.1. Area Management.

3.2. Corporate Quality Management.

General Management.

Matias Romero

General Manager

Angeles Lopez

Dir. A&F

Daniel Gonzalez

Corp. Development Dir.

Monica Aguilar

IR and Marketing Dir.

Sonia Sarrate

Subdir. General