Organic farms are based on generating healthier food by applying animal welfare and organic production criteria.
Sustainable food is born from the concern of consumers about their health and that of the environment, thus causing the creation of organic farms that take animal welfare into account. These are a great bet in terms of human nutrition, since, although the price of organic food is higher, the number of people who consume it is also growing.
“Laying poultry, of laying hens, is one of the varieties that best allows working in an ecological way, free-range hens are easier to feed than pigs or cattle” says Jorge Miñón, professor and agronomist engineer.
Apart from a healthier diet (since organic food is produced without pesticides or residues that can negatively affect it), another motivation is the better environmental quality of agricultural facilities.
Milagros Navarro, a university professor of Agro-Food Engineering and the Rural Environment, has no doubt that organic farms will continue to grow, with the added effect of helping the rural economy and curbing depopulation. For his part, Jorge Miñón assures that this increase in demand can serve as a call effect to more farmers and offset the higher cost of raw materials such as organic feed.
Full source of information and news at: https://www.bbva.com/es/sostenibilidad/auge-y-futuro-de-las-granjas-ecologicas-bienestar-animal-para-una-dieta-mas-sostenible/