We build confidence

ACERTA is a truly independent audit and certification body that only operates in the sectors where we have the necessary experience and expertise.

Our vocation is to bring confidence to our customers
through close communication and the reliability of
our reports and certificates.

The proven technical competence of our team,  supported by the company’s integrity policy, means that the promoters of the standards we evaluate, public administrations and clients consider us to be one of the most reliable certification bodies at international level.


We invest a lot of effort in the formation of our team, in the homogenization of evaluation criteria that allow us to issue objective and well-founded opinions.

For this reason our reports are accepted and very well valued globally.


ACERTA is characterized by continuous innovation. It is at the forefront of current needs and uses different tools that help it to offer better services and allow it to position itself solidly in the market.

In order to transmit the specialized knowledge we acquire in our more than 3,000 annual audits, we decided to create ACERTA Academy, an online training platform at the service of food safety professionals, where courses such as the Master’s Degree in Food Safety Auditing are offered, which has already trained more than 400 students from different countries throughout its 12 editions.

The innovation team has developed the product Traz@ Certificada, a seal whose purpose is to guarantee the declarations of origin of raw materials and ingredients declared in the labelling of food products.

Our innovation team is also leading the development of a certification protocol for Animal Welfare transport, promoted by ANTA (National Association of Live Animal Transport).

International activity

Since 2009, we have been developing an intense internationalization plan that benefits our customers, since we can serve them in more countries with the same technical competence and reliability as always.

ACERTA is present in China, Morocco and Portugal. Our international structure allows us to serve global clients and carry out audits in more than 25 countries.

Right in the world

More than 20 years building trust internationally

4000+Certificates per year
15+Accredited scopes
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