ACERTA 2020 balance in R&D&I


According to the latest report of the Sub-Directorate General for the Promotion of Innovation, published in January 2021, ACERTA certified in 2019 almost 5% of the total projects with applicationof Binding Motivated Report, becoming the fourth entity in Spain by volume of certified projects. In the six years of our R&D&I project evaluation activity, we have evaluated 2,217 files, 721 of them in 2020.

ACERTA R&D&I has been accredited by ENAC since 2015 for the certification of projects and samples, with 48 accredited disciplines. Our next objective is to become accredited to certify the standards that allow us to obtain the Innovative SME and Young Innovative Company seals.

More than 1,000 million euros evaluated in R&D&I projects.

The diversity of disciplines we offer has allowed us to evaluate projects worth more than 215,000,000 euros in R&D and projects worth more than € 804,000,000 in Technological Innovation, in subject areas as disparate as they can be: essays clinical studies on oncology or new active substances against pain, new lighting technologies for the automotive sector, artificial intelligence applications for the prediction of human behavior, interactive business management systems, genetic improvements in the animal production sector and in the vegetable production, and a long etc.

A team capable of taking on the challenge that 2021 brings.

The ACERTA R&D&I team has grown over the years in a controlled manner to adapt itself to the progressive increase in the volume of managed projects, maintaining at all times the philosophy and values ​​of the company, especially in relation to close contact with clients and the personalized and careful management of each file, which has become our hallmark together with a careful control of schedules that allows us to work with very competitive certification deadlines, an aspect very well received by the sector as shown by the high rate of customer satisfaction and their good evaluation of our service.

Currently ACERTA R&D&I already has a team of 30 people distributed in three project management teams organized by areas of knowledge, together with those who work in administration, review and direction. Simultaneously, in these years our network of collaborators has also grown. Currently we have more than 1,000 experts to cover all accredited disciplines (181 4D experts, 846 technical experts and 4 accountants), and we have 44 agreements signed with different Spanish universities and technology centers.

For all this, despite the harsh circumstances experienced by all during 2020, the annual balance of our activity in certification of R&D&I projects has been very positive and we expect that this trend will continue in this year 2021.

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