
The GLOBALG.A.P. Scope IFA for ANIMAL PRODUCTION (LIVESTOCK) certifies good livestock practices on farms by evaluating food safety, livestock traceability, farm biosecurity, animal housing and nutrition, animal welfare and health, the responsible use of antibiotics, in addition to the health and safety of workers.

The demand by consumers for more information and transparency in the production systems of the foods of animal origin they consume, leads large supermarkets to show their interest in this certification. Having already included, in some cases, the implementation in its specifications to its suppliers. Thus, the main food distributors in Europe adopt this standard as a quality benchmark for their suppliers of primary products, including livestock, aquaculture and horticultural products.

ACERTA is accredited by ENAC for the broad spectrum certification of the GLOBALG.A.P. Standards. Specifically, in the area of ​​LIVESTOCK, various producers of beef, dairy and sheep have already been certified. Among our main references is the largest dairy farm in China, with 15,000 head. In Spain, some Mercadona supplier companies have already certified their respective productions, and a significant number of these are already in the process of adapting their processes and facilities in order to obtain certification in the coming months.

Además de la certificación en GLOBALG.A.P. IFA para Producción Animal, ACERTA es la entidad de certificación con mayor rango de normas GLOBALG.A.P. certificables, entre las que cabe destacar para el ámbito animal:
GLOBALG.A.P. CFM (Fabricación de Piensos Compuestos)
GLOBAG.A.P. Acuicultura
GLOBALG.A.P. Transporte Animal
Add-ons de Bienestar Animal de GLOBALG.A.P.
GLOBALG.A.P. Cadena de Custodia en productos pecuarios y de acuicultura.

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