Implementation date update of the new version of the GLOBALG.A.P. IFA v6 standard

17/10/2022 Update of the press release of 08/12/2022

From ACERTA we would like to inform you that GLOBALG.A.P. has again changed the mandatory implementation date of the new version 6. Below we present the most significant changes of the new version.

Likewise, we inform you about the talk that ACERTA will carry out in December 2022 free of charge for all interested ACERTA clients.

To guarantee a place in this talk, please complete the following form, indicating the call you prefer:
Online: 12/12/22
Huelva: 02/12/22
Murcia: 15/12/22
Valencia: 21/12/22


IFA v6: Mandatory date for IFA v6 postponed

GLOBALG.A.P. has recently announced that the IFA v6 mandatory date is pushed back to January 1, 2024 instead of October 1, 2023.
On September 29, 2022, the final documents of the IFA v6 standard were published. You can access all the GLOBALG.A.P. regulatory documents by clicking here.

The IFA v6 GFS standard is currently not GFSI recognized, this process is expected to be completed within the next year. In the meantime, to ensure that there remains a GFSI recognized GLOBALG.A.P. standard, the v5.4-1-GFS standard will remain valid until the IFA v6 GFS has achieved GFSI recognition.

BRC and IFS certified post-farm handling facilities will accept both IFA v6 editions (Smart and GFS).

The IFA v5.2 standard is no longer recognized by GFSI, but is still available for audit until IFA v6 becomes mandatory. The latest possible date to be audited under IFAv5.2 will be December 31, 2023. This version is suitable for producers who do not need GFSI recognized certification. IFA v5.2 audits performed before January 1, 2024 will remain valid throughout their certification cycle.



The IFAv6 standard will be available in two editions:
   • IFA v6 Smart
   • IFA v6 GFS
They are available in parallel and are equally valid.

When referring to the IFAv6 standard: If an edition name (Smart/GFS) is not specified, then both editions of the IFAv6 standard are referenced.

So far, all versions of the IFA standard have been GFSI recognized (FV and AQ).

  • The GFSI has requirements that are not relevant to all producers and that vary more frequently. The requirements constrain the way in which GLOBALG.A.P. standards can be written and implemented.
  • It is not possible to offer simplified, risk-based, results-oriented and customized IFAv6 checklists that perfectly meet GFSI requirements.
  • Feedback received from stakeholders in the public consultation (including producer and retail members of GLOBALG.A.P. technical committees) showed a preference for flexible IFA standard options, rather than lowering the ambitions of v6 to maintain GFSI recognition.
  • To continue to offer options for all growers, GLOBALG.A.P. has created two editions of the IFAv6 standard. The IFAv6 Smart standard will not be subject to GFSI approval. This core edition is appropriate for most producers. The second edition (IFAv6 GFS) has been adapted to the requirements of the GFS.

Producers of fruits and vegetables that do not need a GFSI recognized certification.
Aquaculture producers who do not need GFSI recognized certification (both Smart and GFS will be GSSI recognized)

Producers of fruits and vegetables that need a GFSI recognized certification (mainly US markets).
Aquaculture producers who do not need a GFSI recognized certification


Both have been developed from the IFAv5 standard with the full support of the GLOBALG.A.P. technical committees.

Same six issues, same holistic approach.

Issues of environmental sustainability, animal health and welfare, and worker welfare are covered in the same way in both editions.

The content and the user experience have been aligned as much as possible. 

V6 Smart is intended for most growers. V6 GFS is specially adapted for GFSI.
The general regulation of the GFS edition has some additional requirements.
The principles and criteria (P&C) related to regulatory issues, management and traceability, food safety, and production processes are more prescriptive, to obtain GFSI approval.
Less than 15% of the P&C of the GFS and Smart editions are different. There is an additional P&C in the GFS edition for FV (total 190 vs. 191).
Compliance Levels: GFS edition has 15 more P&Cs classified as Mandatory. Older, while in v6 Smart these points are Oblig. Minors.
Recertification Audit: Remote audit (fully remote) is included as an emergency procedure for the Smart version only. It is not possible to obtain an initial certification based on a completely remote audit.


  • The self-assessment contains comments for all non-applicable and non-compliant Major/Minor Musts criteria (ie no comments for all met Recommendations and Major/Minor Musts).
  • 10% of the audits carried out by certification bodies must be unannounced. This 10% no longer counts as additional audits, but is included in the original number of certification audits.
  • The three-year cycle rule (with annual on-site audit) further reduces the checklist content to applicable items and shortens the duration of the on-site audit.
    o Initial audit (for v6): all requirements are included in the applicable checklists (QMS and farm).
    o Next 2 (operational issues identified in the checklist).
    o Next 3 (operational issues identified in the checklist).
  • Fewer principles and criteria in the IFAv6 standard than in the IFAv5 standard.

The approach of the IFAv6 standard focuses on the results obtained rather than on specific measures. This offers greater flexibility as it allows producers to demonstrate compliance in the manner most appropriate to their production practices.


  • Rules that form the basis of a GLOBALG.A.P.
  • Statements instead of questions.
  • They describe the result to be achieved.


  • Methods that producers can use to demonstrate compliance with a principle.
  • Compliance can be demonstrated with data, a procedure, a record, etc.


The IFAv6 standard focuses more on environmental sustainability.
Some principles and criteria have been developed based on the IFAv5 checkpoints and compliance criteria, while some issues are new or more stringent.

Sustainability issues new to the IFAv6 standard:

  • Greenhouse gases and climate change
  • Ecosystem restoration
  • Food waste management
  • Plastics management
  • Carbon neutrality
  • Deforestation prevention
  • Animal welfare
  • The farm as an agricultural ecosystem
  • Continuous improvement

Sustainability issues updated in the IFAv6 standard:

  • Biodiversity
  • Integrated pest management
  • Soil management and conservation
  • Water management
  • Energy efficiency
  • Waste management
  • Fertilizers
  • Phytosanitary products

The concept of “continuous improvement” refers to the frequent updating of farm insurance standards to improve continuously. In the IFAv6 standard, continuous improvement will first be relevant at the level of the individual producer.

  • Producers should implement a plan to analyze current practices.
  • They then identify ‘hot spots’ and set clear and measurable objectives for improvement in this area (eg improve energy efficiency, reduce use of plant protection product X).
  • Year after year, producers demonstrate their efforts to improve sustainability, food safety or worker well-being.

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