On April 30, the Government of Spain presented the National Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan in Brussels. The content of this document is essential so that the European Next Generation recovery funds can be channeled in Spain.
According to the planned calendar, the European resolution will be known next July after the approval of the aforementioned Plan by the European Council. However, these funds are already beginning to be implemented in our country, prioritizing the 10 lever policies and the 30 lines of action that make up the thematic core of the National Plan and thereby promote the structural reform envisaged in the Plan in relation to low investment public and private in R&D&I, particularly important to transform the Spanish economy.
In this context, the State Research Agency (belonging to the Ministry of Science and Innovation) has launched two new calls for financial aid for public-private research projects, considering their promoters as beneficiaries to groups of companies and research centers. These grants are intended for industrial research projects on strategic lines and for so-called ‘proof of concept’ projects. Other entities such as the CDTI, Spain’s state business innovation agency, plans to mobilize new financial resources in traditional calls from the Center, but with a larger budget thanks to European recovery funds, in the case of the next call for the Misiones program, for projects R&D business cooperatives, multi-sectorial and multi-technological.
These initiatives highlight Spain’s strategy for the management of Next Generation EU funds in the 2021-2027 period, with the key objective of increasing Spain’s net spending on R&D&I, hoping it can be dedicated to this activity represents at least 7% of the total € 70,000 million to be received in this first period from 2021-2023. Furthermore, it should be noted that this type of aid reinforces the possibility that companies can internally promote the application of annual tax deductions for R&D&I. This fact could be an additional competitive advantage, since it represents a very important way of return on spending on R&D&I carried out by Spanish companies. In this line, ACERTA makes its accredited system of fiscal certification by ENAC available to you to give legal guarantee to companies in the use of it.