ACERTA, benchmark in the certification of the WELFAIRTM seal of Animal Welfare for bovine fattening cattle: 110.000 fattening calves in more than 500 farms.

Despite the movement restrictions caused by the pandemic situation, ACERTA has far exceeded expectations for its first year of activity in animal welfare certification and has established itself as a benchmark in the beef cattle sector.

Thanks to joint work with producers and coordination with important operators in the sector, ACERTA’s Animal Welfare Department has managed to serve them on time so that they could meet the deadlines set by their clients (distribution chains) to obtain the certification WELFAIRTM and thus demonstrate their commitment to animal welfare.

ACERTA CERTIFICACIÓN has formed a large team of auditors who, distributed throughout the main beef cattle production areas in Spain, have carried out the audits in person and complying always with the safety protocols against COVID -19.

For their part, beef cattle producers have once again demonstrated their ability to adapt and improvement. In a complicated year in which the priority was the health of people and production to guarantee the supply of food to the population, they have not neglected the welfare of their animals and have demonstrated this by obtaining the certification  WELFAIRTM.

We sincerely admire their commendable work and demonstrated professionalism. We thank them for trusting ACERTA for their certification

Some of the main producers that have trusted ACERTA for their  WELFAIRTM seal are: Carnes Gausa, SL, Ganados Montalbán de Almacelless, SLU y Cooperativa d ´IVARS i Seccio de Credit, SCCL.

At ACERTA we continue with our consolidation process as a reference in animal welfare certification at the national level and with projects that are imminently launched at an international level, always maintaining the values ​​that characterize us: the technical quality of the service, versatility and a marked orientation towards client.

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