After obtaining ENAC accreditation in 2019 to certify GLOBALG.A.P. CFM (Manufacture of Compound Feed), ACERTA already certifies 14 feed production plants for livestock and aquaculture, distributed in 7 countries: Spain, the United States, Peru, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala and South Africa.
Among the factories certified by ACERTA are national producers as relevant as NANTA, COAVRE, Cooperativa de Ivars and SKRETTING ESPAÑA, and international producers such as CARGILL, Aves Reproductoras de Centroamérica (ARECA), Nutritional Technologies (NALTECH), Aquafauna Biomarine, Zeigler Bros, Great Salt Lake Brine Shrimp (GSLBSC); They will be joined shortly by several producers who are currently in the application process.
Despite the extraordinary conditions arising from the evolution of the pandemic that affect both the normal operations of the factories and the certification activity in the agri-food sector, ACERTA has been able to continue providing a high quality service to all its national and international clients. always maintaining strict observance of the certified standards and applying the corresponding preventive measures in the audits that are carried out in person and, in cases in which the audits have not been carried out in person, scrupulously following the GLOBALG.AP procedure to perform audits remotely.
In this way, ACERTA continues its consolidation process as one of the main references among national and international certification bodies in the FOOD sector thanks to the technical quality of its service, its versatility and customer orientation.